Video Updates

Well, FINALLY I got the Canadian Tire videos added and ALL videos on the Portfolio Page are now embedded and hosted from Vimeo. This will be especially helpful in the future, as MobileMe goes the way of the DoDo Bird. All videos will be password protected, so the only way to view will be to request password from me via the feedback page.

Next Stop, photos. This could come FAST or it could be a while still. We’ll see!

Hmm, perhaps its time to solicit some new feedback as well.

Changes on the horizon

yeah, finally I thought of something to post. Changes are a coming to my site. I am pretty pleased with the look and feel, but I plan to do some updates in the portfolio area.

Specifically, I plan to:

  • Move all my work samples onto Vimeo and embed the Vimeo player directly within the page. Additionally I will add some of the work I have been a part of with Canadian Tire in the last 12 months.

  • Make significant updates to my work photos to include some of the work I have been a part of with Canadian Tire in the last 12 months.

One of these days...

You know, one of these days, I really outta either get moving on this blog thing, or just abandon it all together. It’s a tough call. I typically have no shortage of things to say, yet when it comes to blogging, I alway seem to draw a blank on what I should be talking about. Ponder time....

Web Development a.k.a Beta 2

I have decided to change development platforms, as I am not overly please with the non-compliant code generated with Apple’s iWeb application. When I try to filter it through the W3C coded analyzers, too many errors. Read More... is live

WOW, can you believe we are this far into the life of the interweb and I have finally gotten around to turning up Yeah, me either. Read More...